Mohammed Faadhil Tech
⭐🔥 "No one in the world is born Educated, Talented and Skillful. But they grow and learn.. No one is talented, expert and master in all fields but everyone is talented, expert and master in some field. So, don't tease anyone if he doesn't know anything which you know, because they are master in some other field in which you are not." 🔥⭐ For queries & paid website designing message us on Instagram @mdfaadhilofficial
Friday, 31 December 2021
How to create a simple professional website in blogger
Wednesday, 1 December 2021
Scdl notes
(Click on the subject name to view)
- Advertising and Public Relations
- Business Communications
- Business Law
- Business Process Re-Engineering
- C Programming
- Capital Market
- Cases in Marketing Management
- Cases in Operations Management
- Compensation Management
- Computer Fundamentals and Networking Concepts
- Consumer Behaviour
- Corporate Governance
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Data Mining
- Database Management System
- e-Business
- Economic Environment and Business
- Exim Policies and Procedures
- Financial Institutions and Banking
- Financial Management
- Human Resource Development and Training
- Human Resource Management
- Human Resource Management(For Batch of 2003 and Earlier)
- India's Foreign Trade
- Industrial and Labor Economics
- Industrial Management
- Industrial Marketing
- Industrial Relations and Labour Laws
- Industrial Safety and Security
- Industrial Safety and Security (Subjective)
- Industrial Sociology
- Insurance Accounting and IT Application in Insurance
- International Commercial Law
- International Economics
- International Finance
- International Marketing
- International Trade Logistics
- Java Programming
- Leadership and personality Development
- Legal Aspect of Insurance
- Legal Aspects of Finance
- Maintenance Management
- Management Accounting
- Management Information System
- Managerial Economics
- Marketing Management
- Marketing Management(Subjective)
- Marketing Research
- Materials Management
- Object Oriented Analysis and Design
- Operating System
- Organisational Behaviour
- Organisational Development
- Organizational Behaviour (Old Pattern)
- Performance and Potential Management
- Personnel Administration
- Principles and Practices of Management
- Production and Operations Management
- Production Planning and Control
- Project Finance
- Project Management
- Property and Liability Insurance
- Quantitative Techniques
- Research Methodology
- Research Methodology and Project Report
- Research Methodology and Statistical Quantitative Method
- Sales and Distribution
- Security Analysis And Portfolio Management
- Services Marketing and Brand Management
- Software Engineering Project Management
- Strategic Finance
- Strategic Finance Notes
- Strategic HR
- Strategic Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Taxation
- Techniques for Operations Efficiency
- Technology Management
- Total Quality Management
- TQM and HR
- Virtual Marketing
- Web Technologies
Website redirect simple html code
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Wednesday, 10 November 2021
SCDL Android Mobile App Launched.
SCDL has launched SCDL APP.
One can apply for admissions through the SCDL APP.
Soon SCDL will launch access to various Student Services and Learning Facilities in phase two and phase three respectively.
One can download this SCDL App on an Android Phone Play store.
We wish you all the best in your journey with SCDL.
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