Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Qari Qasim Ansari Sahib R.A Biography


Moulana Hafiz & Qari Mohammad Qasim Ansari Sahib's passing away on 13th September 2014 is a great loss to the community and country. As a Qari of International repute he had brought many laurels to our motherland by winning International Qirath competitions. 

Moulana Qasim Ansari Sahib was born in Bhopal in the year 1957. As a student he showed keen interest in Quran and learnt Quranic Phonetics and the art to recite Quran from "Master of Qaris" Shaikh Qari Latheefur Rahman Sahib, Yamani. He also represented India at Mecca and Malaysia in the Year 1980 and 1983 and at several other Qirath meets which had won him great Laurels. Qari Qasim Ansari Sahib was a student of Darul uloom,Islamia Arabia, Bhopal.

He was an excellent Qrator, Hafiz & Qari besides that was also former Imam and Khateeb of Perimet mosque which is one of the well known mosque in Tamilnadu. He was living in Chennai with his family - wife and three children in his flat. Eldest son is Hafiz. He served in the Periamet mosque for about 30 years. His Quranic tafseers given in Periamet mosque have been published by interested people.His qirat was recorded and uploaded in YouTube.

After coming out from the responsibility of the Periamet mosque, he was giving tafseer of Quran in mosques from time to time and attending social functions. He led taraweeh prayers every Ramadan in Anjuman-e- himayat-e-Islam mosque. Both in Periamet and Anjuman mosques people gathered in large numbers to pray under him and listen to his beautiful recitation which was most attractive in his sweet voice. 

He had a wonderful memory and his hifz of the holy Quran was perfect beyond any doubt. Moreover his Jumma khuthba was also of much interest to the people. He used to sermon to the point without indulging in any controversy.  He was for unity of the different schools of thought. We miss him miserably. 

May his soul rest in peace. Let us all pray for his maghfirath. The Qirath, Bayaan and Taraveeh's uploaded in YouTube.

1 comment:

  1. May His Soul Rest in Peace & May Allah Bless him a Small place in Janatul Firdaus


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